Here we go...

It’s hard to know how to start this really, not being someone who writes a lot or at all really (unless its a shopping list!). I know they say everyone has a book in them but I am starting to think more realistically a bullet point list?!?! But I will give it a go on this little Blog!

I have copied all the background to my adventure from my facebook if anyone fancies reading how I got here feel free..

Thursday, 25 December 2008

Xmas Eve and Day - Time Off

Well Xmas eve was a bit uneventful, after the work of the week it was time to do the practical washing and packing stuff and get ready for the big day (and I don’t mean Xmas Day!!).
Xmas Day though was fun, an early-ish start I went down to Bondi and Coogee for old times sake, reminiscing with one of the crew members Ben (the older) who had also had some misspent youth time in the CBH (Coogee Bay Hotel).

After that we met up with Mary from the crew in the hotel and all headed to the CYC for Xmas dinner, not your traditional turkey this was a feast of sea food. We had sparking wine, prawns, oysters, calamari, john dory, mussels, and the like with Salad and Chips.. what a feast.

Needless to say in the heat the fizzy pop went a bit to my head, next thing I am chatting to the crew members from many of the boats in the race, table hopping betting them bottles of rum for finishing positions. Funny given the performance so far that I had such confidence in our race day chances; must have been the bubbles!! So we were racing True North, Dream Lover, Perie Banou to name but a few!

Despite my little bit of a wobbly state we left early, had a nice early night in order to be racing fit in the morning… I am ready for this now and can’t believe how quickly this has come around! Alarm is set, bags are packed, racing gear is ready…