Here we go...

It’s hard to know how to start this really, not being someone who writes a lot or at all really (unless its a shopping list!). I know they say everyone has a book in them but I am starting to think more realistically a bullet point list?!?! But I will give it a go on this little Blog!

I have copied all the background to my adventure from my facebook if anyone fancies reading how I got here feel free..

Saturday, 25 October 2008

Middle Sea Yacht Race

Well what can I say, it has to have been the most enjoyable 2 weeks I have had! I was blessed to be part of what I think was the best crew in the race... or that I will ever sail with. From start to finish every day was great fun, lots to learn and a feeling of a big sailing family. We partied hard and sailed hard.

I believe we tried to get every last knot out of the EH01 for every minute, certainly watch leader Bob had us running around on deck alot at night and day! It was a brilliant experience... a fantastic team effort, everyone working together and pitching in. Wayfarers (boil in the bag food!) though should really come with a packet of indigestion tablets...

It was a shame that we were taken out by a storm and hit by lightening.. everyone worked hard to keep us in the race despite 60knots of wind and zero visibility, but unfortunately the mainsail tore beyond repair! But that is racing and we got on with it, got home and enjoyed the ceremony and parties.

I can't wait now for the Hobart and to catch up with 3 of my fellow Middle Sea racers, not to mention getting back next year for some unfinished business with the Middle Sea along with another 2 of the crew!!