Here we go...

It’s hard to know how to start this really, not being someone who writes a lot or at all really (unless its a shopping list!). I know they say everyone has a book in them but I am starting to think more realistically a bullet point list?!?! But I will give it a go on this little Blog!

I have copied all the background to my adventure from my facebook if anyone fancies reading how I got here feel free..

Sunday, 29 June 2008

Round The Island Yacht Race

Well I am back in one piece from my first racing experience, just about... it is a very black and blue piece that had a pretty amazing adventure. So we came 33 out 58, 14 of which never made the finish line. We took 7hrs 41mins but lost about an hour with a few little incidents.

We hit pretty choppy waters which swept the spinnaker overboard in its bag, we lost the bag but managed to recover the sail back into the boat and raised, despite the ton of water building up into it as we dragged it back on board. Along with me who was 50% out of the boat pulling the sail back in... ! Lifejackets are a requirement thank goodness...

As a result of kite overboard, we managed to wrap the spinnaker halyard around the backstay.. sorry about the terminology, getting all yachty these days.. needless to say that is something that was a first for our skipper with 30years sailing.. so good going us eh!!
The next first for the skipper was the chinese gybe, see picture link... very wet boat very wet crew, we managed to have most of the crew in the water without actually being overboard!! Trust me when I say the only thing you are thinking about is holding on for your life!!

To top it all off, at one point I bounced over the deck when we were hiking from one side of the boat to the other whilst tacking and was being dragged through the rails, again thanks to Anna for grabbing and hoisting me back in.. and I won't talk about the bruise after that incident!

So with 5 broaches under our belt we made it home, great team work and then out for a well deserved drink... party till late then home, a little cruise on Sunday and now recovering.

Have to say it was brilliant, exciting, exhilarating, amazing site of 1700+ boats all racing, roll on Cowes... and plenty to do now before Sydney, I used and strained muscles I never expected..
Thanks to everyone who supported me in charity sponsorship too..